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Farm Walks with WWLT--Early Fall Birds at West 6th Farm

We will join with Gary Sprandel and experienced birders of the Frankfort Audubon Society to walk through the woods and the fields with hope of seeing Eastern Bluebird, Red-tailed Hawk, field sparrows, and fall migrant warblers. The walk will cross a stream, so bring shoes you do not mind getting wet. Bring your own binoculars if you have them, and there will be a few loaner pairs also.  Bring water and depending upon the weather mosquito or tick repellent.  Children are ok if they can walk a couple of miles. Dogs are not permitted, as they tend to chase the birds off. 

Gary Sprandel is on the board of the Frankfort Audubon Society and an active birder.  He works as a geographic analyst for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, and some of his duties include setting up bird monitoring databases and surveys.

Click here to REGISTER.

Bluebird photo by CWWOOD.

Earlier Event: September 6
Hiking Club at West 6th Farm
Later Event: September 10
WWLT Board Meeting