WWLT Selected as Recipient of The Rick House’s Live to Give Program

Woods and Waters Land Trust is partnering with property development company Brokenfork as the recipient of its Live to Give Program. Through the program, The Rick House, the newly opened riverside flats on Murray St. in Frankfort, will donate $30 per rented unit to WWLT each month. With all 38 units rented, this will mean $1,140 per month donated to WWLT to help further its mission of protecting and connecting forests and streams in the lower Kentucky River watershed.

Brokenfork started the Live To Give program to support the surrounding local community and its environment. Because the river is so heavily a part of Frankfort, it made sense to the company to help protect the river that historically has built Frankfort since the 18th century.

“This partnership means a great deal to WWLT, as this ongoing monthly support will help us to work with landowners to protect and connect forests and streams in our focus area.” says WWLT President Heather Housman. "Protecting large tracts of intact forest impacts the people living on the land as well as everyone in the surrounding community by providing protection against the threat of climate change and creating energy around a sense of place. We're grateful Brokenfork for recognizing the need to protect our area's forests and waterways for generations to come."

On August 6 from 6 to 8 p.m., WWLT will be joining The Rick House’s Grand Opening celebration at its location at 401 Murray St. The event, which is open to the public, will include musical performances by neighborhood celebrities, The Old 86ers, and free cotton candy for kids. WWLT will be receiving their first donation check at the event.

Woods and Waters Land Trust is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that is nationally accredited by the Land Trust Accreditation Commission. Established in 2007, its mission is to protect and connect forests and streams through voluntary conservation agreements with private landowners in the lower Kentucky River watershed. WWLT currently owns 34 acres and holds seven conservation easements on more than 600 acres in the area. Individuals can support land conservation in Central Kentucky by becoming a supporter of WWLT or by putting their land into a conservation easement. Learn more at WoodsAndWatersTrust.org.

For more information about renting at The Rick House to support the Live to Give program, contact Kentucky Life Management.